Last November 3-4, Jesus Family Center had an "arts weekend". During the worship time, they put out materials to paint with and anyone who wanted to could go paint what the Holy Spirit showed them and whatever they had in their heart...
And of course the
kids went forward immediately! "A little child shall lead them!" Yes, become like children to enter the Kingdom!
Here are some of the works that I took pictures of...
This one (above) is by the pastor's older son. I didn't get to ask him what it meant, but I like it. (^_^)
"Jesus's Love" is the title of this one... I like the colors, the freshness of the green, the way the heart seems to come from the cross like big arms waiting to wrap us in His love!
The pastor's wife made this beautiful picture. I don't know what to say about it or exactly what it "means", but it is beautiful and loving. [Update:
See how this painting "traveled"!]
The pastor's son made this one, too... he named it "The Flame of the Lord".
One of the girls at the church painted this and titled it, "The Baptism By God". Maybe before we are "dark", and after dipping in Him and being washed new, we are bright, "light in the Lord" as Paul said!
I don't know which kids did these, but I like them. The first one is like the sunshine of His love, of His heart, and the second one just makes me smile. (^_^)
Another girl did this one, "Angel's Field". Maybe this is us? We are His field, His building (1 Cor.3), after all. Kids can really see God's joy, don't you think? And often they actually
see angels... more than adults.
Unsigned and untitled, this one is a beautiful blotch of colors! To me it looks like the Cross and His heart, and then us washed in His blood, with the signs of His sunshine, His promise, His rain and His love in the sky.
The girl who did this one named it "The Cross's Light".
This one by a little British girl is called "Jesus Family" (the name of the church!) ... I think it looks like a garden, don't you? And the Cross grows into His love!
This one's really good. I don't know who did it, but the placement and design and colors are very nice. It seems like the desert to me, and the light from heaven coming onto the cross and showing us His heart of love.
This last one is unsigned and unnamed, but I love the color and "artistry" of it. Now that I look at it, I realize that several of these pictures have had a heart coming out of the top of the cross! I wonder what this means? His heart coming out of the cross? True! Out of that terrible thing (the cross) came His love for us. On this one, the blue (sky I presume) reminds me of the "firmament above the heavens" in Genesis, the waters in the sky. Maybe here we see how the Cross (made by His heart) is where all things converge... the blessing of heaven (the waters of the Spirit) waiting to pour out above on us and the earth.
After worship and lunch, they had a special time when the kids could make some decorations and banners. They did so with tennis balls, sticks, and their hands!
I love this last up-close picture. Not only is it cute and beautiful "art", but somehow it just
says something deep and touching from God. What do you think? I think so. Bless you in Jesus with His heart, with the heart of a child in Him! In Jesus' name, amen.