Sunday, February 8, 2009


By Madalyne R.

Her mom wrote: My eleven year old daughter came home from school last week and asked me the questions, "why doesn't God just SHOW Himself? Why does He make it so hard to find Him?" It was so AWESOME to say, you know what, I have a great picture to show you and something I want to read to you, too. I showed her your picture of "God Hides" (I think that was the name of it) and I wish I could post for you what she drew out of that. It was two faces, one was a face and big eyes and a small smile. It had circle around it and a slash through it. The other one, right next to it, was the same face, but in place of the eyes, was the word FAITH and a HUGE smile and of course no circle or slash through it. It was precious. That person was seeing by faith!


'King' - by Timo

By Timothy Romero - February 3, 2009
From the lips of children and infants
You have ordained praise. (Psalm 8:2)

The children were shouting in the temple area,
"Hosanna to the Son of David!" (Matthew 21:15)
While we were at a clinic today waiting, I did a picture on a small pad. After I finished, I turned to a new page and let Timothy draw with the ink-brush pens. As I gave him the final brush-pen, dark blue, he seemed to focus more and know what he was doing, making a little circle sort of in the bottom right center of the page.

Then I got the idea of asking him what it was, something we had not done before with his drawings. He is one month shy of two years old, and though his vocabulary is growing, his pronunciation is sometimes a mystery. (For example, he likes to talk about "shishiko" but we have no exactly what that is!) So when he answered something that sounded like "Cain" or "Keen", I of course said it was good but had no idea what he meant, and set about trying to figure it out. I thought maybe he'd given it his own name, so I pointed to a picture of a train on the wall to check... but he said it wasn't a train. I tried asking him if it was something else within sight --cars, trucks, etc.-- but he said no. Eventually when we got home I opened up the picture again, and Yoko & I tried a few more ideas. Yoko hit gold with the sound-and-song ABC book, pointing at the picture next to "K"...


It's funny because we haven't practiced that letter much with him, nor taught him "king" (which is alongside "K"). We haven't heard him pressing that button much. But it was in his head, and he knew that is what he was drawing today. As I thought about it while doing the dishes, and as I type about it now, I was and am overwhelmed in the Spirit ...because he knew what he was drawing. It was then that I remembered how he suddenly focused and made the brush go in a small circle, something he had not done before.

I'm overwhelmed and taken aback. It would be easy to attribute it to a coincidence or simple "wow", but it's not. I know it even more because the Spirit just hits me and witnesses to me about this. God is talking to my son, and talking through him. (>o<) I am aghast, blessed, and filled with awe. Now I feel a bit of need for responsibility! Oh Lord!

God is good. He'll carry us. Thank You, God!