Saturday, December 31, 2011

Jesus With Broken Buildings (by Timo)

Last night I was watching a year-end special on TV about the March earthquake and tsunami, and my son Timo (4 and a half years old) was watching some of it with me. Back in March when we were watching the tsunami on TV, I decided to let Timo watch sometimes and explain to him what was happening, and tell him how it had to be hard for the people. So when we saw it again on TV last night, he started drawing pictures of it!

Of course I was a little worried about too much of this. Whenever I watched these things on TV, I was always careful to change the channel or turn it off if people were screaming, if someone was dying, or if I thought the images would be too traumatic. So this time as he was drawing more and more, I was praying about it and felt God say it was OK, and then asked Timo if he could draw Jesus with the people, comforting them...

Timo drew a picture of Jesus crying and holding broken buildings. I was surprised and moved by what he drew. It wasn't what I suggested he draw, and that's good, actually! Instead Jesus showed Timo that He understands our pain and cries with us.

And that was one of the reasons that I was letting Timo watch some of the tsunami on TV alongside me was so that he could understand a little of what people were experiencing, so he could sympathize with them, and later on, so he could understand why Daddy left sometimes to go to Fukushima for a little while.

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